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Office of the President

JANUARY 05, 2018

Agenda for Monday JANUARY 08, 2018

Committee room N# 2, Second Floor, Toronto City Hall.

The meeting is called for 6:00 pm.

  1. Welcome Remarks by the Chair 6:00
  2. A call to order by the Chair
  3. Agenda of the Day 6:05
  4. Minutes of last meeting 6:07

  5. Presentations:


  6. Report from the president 7:30

  7. Full Report on the year’s end

    Questions period

  8. New Business 9:00

  9. New Members  9:10 

    7.Adjournment. 9:30

If you have any problem entering the building, please call me at my cell 416- 996 4229 or Maria at 416- 727 3004
This month’s meeting is taking place at Committee room N# 2, Second Floor, Toronto City Hall. For Parking enter the Bay entrance of the City Hall basement parking and follow the REGISTERED Parking. The security officer will allow you to enter, so you don’t pay. Our next meeting is scheduled for Monday February 12, 2018 at Committee Room N# 2. March meeting is scheduled for Monday March 12,  2018, at the Toronto City Hall.

Taking this opportunity I want to remind you that effective Immediately the nomination process for the Awards 2018, it is Open. You can submit your application either to our office or Directly to Dr. Tajdolati, Maria or Ricky, Until June the 30th,

Thomas S. Saras
President & CEO
National Ethnic Press and Media Council of Canada
Toronto City Hall Press Gallery
100 Queen Street West
Toronto, ON  M5H 2N2
Tel: 416 921 8926/416 921 4229
Fax: 416 921 0723