Born in Greece, Ms.
Grigoriadis moved to Toronto in 1969. As
a leader in the Greek Orthodox Community-at-large, she has devoted her
life to volunteer work. A
tireless member of the community she has served on many boards and works
on issues affecting seniors, Family Violence and Women’s Abuse,
Women’s Health Issues, and works as a volunteer translator in various
hospitals, courtrooms and probation offices, for Greek families in need.
The last few years she organized the cultural group “Heritage” with
main goal the preservation of the popular folklore dances and song of the
various regions of Greece, and for this reason she is organizing annually
conventions in Toronto. Ms. Grigoriadis dedicated also time and energy to
raise funds for the operation of the Greek Orthodox Schools in Toronto.
Lucy is the friendly person to everyone in the community.
in Macedonia Greece, Michael Mouratides, migrated to Canada 1966. Few
years later in 1973, he elected president of the Brotherhood of Pontion
Toronto an organization with members from the area of Pontos in the
Caspian Sea. During his term he purchased a building on Danforth Ave, for
the needs of the organization, and started the publication “ Voice of
Pontion”. Later elected member of the Greek Community of Toronto with
responsibility the cultural affairs. Mr. Mouratides is the one who started
the Greek Parade on Danforth Ave on the occasion of the anniversary of the
liberation of Greece. He organized numerous historical exhibitions, edited
and published the history of the Greek Community of Toronto and was the
co-founder of the Pontion Federation of North America. Michael published a
numerous articles in Greek and he was producing a radio program of free
After arriving in Canada
in 1998, Ms. Bhole joined the International Centre for Eradication of
Poverty and coordinated their various activities. She was instrumental in
organizing the function to commemorate UN International Day for
Eradication of Poverty in Toronto in Metro Hall. She also participates in
social service activities of different ethnic associates and
organizations. Originally
from India Ms. Bhole has dedicated her life to helping others establishing
herself as a respected social worker.
C. J. Kurian
of Alpha Charitable Foundation dedicated to fostering and promoting good
will and helping the underprivileged, especially in the field of health
care and education. Born in
India, Dr. Kurian is currently assisting physicians of Indian Heritage
with forming the Association of Physicians of Indian Heritage.
Dr. Kurian has received many community awards for both business
excellence and his volunteer work.
Mr. Michalopoulos arrived in
Canada in 1972 from his native Greece, with his dream for a better life.
On his arrival to Canada he promised himself to avoid any involvement with
the restaurants. Ironically after the first difficult years he spent in
the real estate business he forced to take over the operation of a small
coffee shop that was abandoned by the previous owner, in order to save his
money. Later he created the “Coffee Time” company and went into
franchise business. Twenty years later today Mr. Michalopoulos’ company
operates 380 branches all over Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba, Alberta and few
in B.C. Few years ago he extended his operation also in Europe where he
opened the first eight shops. Over the years Mr. Michalopoulos’ company,
created a non-for profit foundation helping financing humanitarian and
athletic projects. He donated money to Toronto’s Hospital for Sick
Children, helped Canadian athletes to participate in the 2004 Olympics in
Athens, also to the Greek Community of Toronto and other worthy
humanitarian causes.
was born in Greece. He migrated to Canada in 1961, in his search for
better life. After the very hard work of his first years in the country he
created the “Easy Plastic Containers LMT”, with one more partner.
Through the years the business has been successful and he was able to give
back to community. He served several terms as President of the Hellenic
Community of York Region. He is co-founder and resent president of the
York Region Athletic and Social Club and also President of the Hellenic
Heritage Foundation, which donated 2.000.000 dollars for the creation of a
Chair of Modern Hellenic Studies at York University. George remains a very
active member of the community and continues his humanitarian efforts.
Sales came to Canada from Brazil 9 years ago. She is holding a degree in
Speech Pathology and also a post graduate degree in Psychomotor Function.
She has been working at the Abrigo Centre for 5 years as a counselor where
she works primarily with newcomers and also with post settlement
immigrants. Ms. Sales has
developed programs focusing on increasing clients self esteem, and for
families where she promotes discipline without violence. She has written articles in Brasil News for the past 7 years
and is part of the Citizenship Council of the Brazilian Consulate in
Toronto. She believes that humility and a positive attitude are allies to
those who go to distant countries, where culture, language and traditions
are different.
Renato Harari
Dr. Harari, was born in Rio de
Janeiro, Brazil. He graduated from the Dental School of Nova Friburgo,
Migrated to Canada in 1990 and
later passed the Canadian Dental Board exams and started practicing
Dentistry in Toronto. His patients are primarily of Portuguese, Brazilian,
Italian and Spanish cultural background.
Over the years he sponsored
various cultural events of non-profit organizations and also he donated
his work by attending new immigrants and citizens without dental coverage.
He believes his contribution to Canada as a successful professional is to
help persons in need.
Your Honour, Dr. Renato Harari.
Jones has over 30 years experience and achievements as a manager and
director of social service agencies in Toronto; as a cultural leader in
the steelpan and calypso art forms, as well as a facilitator of Black
community enhancement. Currently
Director, Special Programs Services of
Covenant House Toronto, Mr. Jones is a tireless social worker working hard
to benefit the community.
Thomas W. Gallant
Thomas W. Gallant holds the Hellenic Heritage Foundation Chair of Modern
Greek History at York University, Toronto. He has published six books and
over forty scholarly articles in English and Greek. In 2003, he was one of
the founders of the Canadian Hellenic Historical Society. He sits on the
board of directors of the Canadian Institute in Greece and is the Director
of the Canadian Institute of Balkan Studies.
On a personal note, his cultural background has prepared him well
for dealing with issues relating to multiculturalism, being the son of a
Greek mother and a French Canadian-Mi'kmaw father.
de Souza
Born in Brazil Mr. De Souza,
immigrated to Canada in 1987.
The following years he started
his involvement with the Brazilian soccer team in Canada. He created the
first club named Sao Paulo Soccer Club, which today is known as Stellar
Brazil. The club created a reach history in Canada and won many
championships. With his vision Mr. De Souza managed to unite the Brazilian
community of Toronto and across Canada.
He volunteers many hours of
his time teaching young Canadians to master the skill of soccer. He is
organizing cultural events in order to raise funds for his team and many
times he has to reach his own private finances to maintain the sport,
which is very cultural to many Brazilians around the world.
her role as Event Manager/ Office Manager Joanna Parris skills’ have
contributed to making the Caribana Festival a success.
She is an author and in was the major force in starting
"Re-Claim Our Youth Through Education and Training" an
organization which is focused on keeping Black Youth in School and for
those outside the school system making sure that further education or
training is available to them.
Xue Sheng
Xue Sheng
is a member of The Independent Chinese PEN Center; a
non-political organization of writers who fights for the protection of
freedom of expression and publication. In 2000, she won The Canadian
Association for Journalists Award for Investigative Journalism and the
National Magazine Award, for an investigative report on the lives of
Chinese boat refugees published in the Canadian magazine Maclean’s. She
is the first Chinese Canadian to win such a prestigious award.
After serving with the Greek
armed forces in the WWII, John Daperis arrived in Canada in 1952 and
settled in Montreal. In his efforts to help his fellow Greek immigrants
understand what was going around them Mr. Daperis set on a course to
create a means to do just that. So he started Broadcasting to Greek
speaking Montrealers with daily communication, information, news,
entertainment and most of all building a bridge between the new country
and the old for the Greek immigrants of Quebec. From 1955 he started
broadcasting in the Greek language over o French radio station in
Montreal. 1997 he launched
the CJNT television.
2003 John spearheads an
application to CRTC for an FM commercial over the air Radio station
license. In 2004 the CRTC grants John Daperis and Canadian Hellenic Cable
Radio a radio station license. CKDG is born.
Luba Cherny, president of
media company Canadian Russian Courier is publishing since 1996, two
Russian community weekly newspapers the Canadian Courier and the Russian
Carousel. Since 2001 she is organizing the Russian Carousel annual event
at Mel Lastman Square. Also since 2004 Luba is producing and broadcasting
the Russian TV Show “The Morning”. Luba Cherny is a member of the
board and the treasurer of the Russian Speaking Congress of Canada.
