TORONTO: The US Central
Intelligence Agency (CIA) heaved a sigh of relieve when, after a long
chase and hide-and seek game, it finally tracked and helped kill
Al-Zarqawi, one of the world’s most dreaded and wanted persons on
its notoriously famous list of `Use
and Abuse’ targets. This was a real jolt to the top-most leadership of
Al-Qaeda, the tough adversary of CIA. Al-Zarqawi was killed along with
many other accomplices in a targeted air strike in Iraq. His end was
celebrated worldwide.
Interestingly, the CIA had allegedly trained Al-Zarqawi, who was
one of the top-most in the rank of Al-Qaeda Movement. He was a veteran
mercenary who tremendously and successfully supported CIA and America,
with the help of particularly Muslim World, win the war against the Soviet
Union in Afghanistan.
of the landmark achievement against a really powerful and feared super
power, Soviet Union, he became a super hero worldwide, particularly in the
Muslim World, with the blessings of the CIA, and was widely respected and
greatly praised for his contributions.
the same time, because of great skills and mastery of planning and
fighting and being mercenaries, he and his group members were considered a
real threat to the vested interests of the US and allies. He too was put
under close observation. Soon, as a result, his popularity as a super hero
turned into notoriety as a terrorist. Thanks again to the CIA.
After accomplishment of the special missions in Afghanistan and
else where, he was considered a serious threat to the world, particularly
the CIA because he knew too much and became too popular and difficult to
handle. He was declared really dangerous.
sensing CIA’s intentions and plans, started playing the game of
hide-and-seek. The Al-Qaeda, which was effectively and successfully used
against the Soviet Union, with the changing situation and U-Turn of US and
allies turned the guns toward the CIA. From then onwards the hunting game
started. This was in fact infighting between the CIA and Al-Qaeda,
allegedly the group formed and funded by the CIA.
Thanks again
to the CIA’s specialized training, there are hundreds and thousands of
such mercenary-cum-hero-cum-terrorist almost in every corner of the world
and terrorizing the people. They have made the world unsafe and an
extremely dangerous place. Terrorists have unleashed havoc and made the
lives of peaceful and innocent people miserable. People are living in
great fear and tension. They are paying very dearly because of CIA’s Use
and Abuse policy.
Terrorists are simply terrorists
and only extremely harmful. They just know one thing and that is killing
and destruction. This is what they are taught, trained and paid to do.
They follow no religion or fit into any other identity. They can be
Muslims, Christians, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists and so on. They are
brainwashed and are mentally sick elements. It is totally wrong to blame
and label followers of any religion or people of any country or community
as terrorists. Except strongest condemnation and strictest punishment,
terrorists deserve nothing else. All those fighting terrorism must be
support. JOIN
HANDS: Now we have to join hands with the world, specially the CIA and US,
to find out and punish all those who were given specialized training in
the art of warfare and intelligence but have become real terrorists, due
to reasons best known to the CIA and US.
The cause of grave concern is the `Use and Abuse’ policy of the
CIA, which is resulting in mass making of terrorists. CIA may like it or
not but this is the reality.
CIA must understand this and help the world in the fight against terrorism
by seriously reviewing its dreaded policy. They must also understand that
the Americans too are badly affected and suffering. Americans are one of
the most loving, caring and best people in the world and they prove this
all the time and are praised for this.
the contrary, because of CIA’s policy, the US is allegedly blamed and
hated for causing massive death and destruction in the world. This is in
the mind and on the lip of most people. If this continues, the CIA could
become responsible for the downfall and destruction of the United States
as well. The writing is on the wall and must be seriously read and
understood. Only the Americans could change and should change the hatred
against US into love. They can and are capable of doing it.
Muslim World proudly joined the world in defeating the dreaded super
power, Soviet Union, and liberating Afghanistan. Muslims were in the
forefront and gave tremendous sacrifices. The whole world knows this and
praised the Muslim World at that time. Instead of being rewarded for the
meritorious services and great sacrifices, Muslims were betrayed, isolated
and targeted.
innocent and peaceful Muslims are since then being suspected, blamed,
harassed, arrested and punished for terrorism.
This is unfair, racism and discrimination. Muslims have always
remained in the forefront in the fight against terrorism, destructive
policies and actions. The world knows this very well and must appreciate
it. Muslims believe that all those involved in terrorist and criminal
activities must be punished.
The Muslim
World needs to seriously consider this problem. Muslims must be educated
to not to become too emotional and react aggressively and violently. This
is wrong and against the teachings of Islam and humanity. They must show
sensibility and tolerance.
Muslims must remain alert and stay away from all those persons, preachers,
scholars and leaders who are cunningly brainwashing the innocent people
and leading them towards wrong direction, disaster and destruction.
This is one of the major causes of setback and suffering of
opportunists are only interested in their vested interests and are fully
and freely exploiting the situation and harming the Muslims. They have
formed lobbies, occupied religious institutions and through them control
the mind of the people. It is not Islam what they preach but their own
idea. It is time to use common sense and also keep the eyes and ears open
so that the conspiracies and exploitation are timely and properly checked
and foiled.
Muslims must be educated to stop following blindly the opportunists and
exploiters and instead study and understand the true message of Islam
through all authentic means and individuals. Brainwashing of particularly
kids in negative ways is proving extremely harmful. They are unable to
understand the motive of the exploiters and the grave dangers faced.
is the duty of the parents and guardians to keep a strict watch on all
activities of their children in order to protect them from negative and
destructive elements. Members of the community must also educate each
other accordingly.
The recent arrest of several
persons in Canada on terrorism suspicion has badly shaken the people,
particularly Muslim community. If they are found guilty by the court and
charges proven, they should be strictly punished. All those sympathizing
with them or supporting them despite knowing their mischievous intentions
and nefarious plans must also not be spared. There is no room for
terrorists in the Muslim community. No sane or wise person of any community would support any
form important part of Canada and would never allow anyone to cause harm
to the people or the country. Their only objective is stability, progress
and prosperity of Canada. Those thinking otherwise cannot be Muslims but
posing as such.
Muslims must not focus only on building religious institutions,
they must also help build schools, hospitals and other institutions so
that all could benefit. They must change this wrong trend. Establishment
of non-religious institutions would help support the people and make them
powerful and prosperous.
and unfortunately, any disturbing issue concerning the Muslim community is
blown out of proportion by a section of the media. Their projection is
directed towards defaming and harming the community. This negative
approach only fans hatred and promotes racism and discrimination. The
reflection of yellow journalism is seen and influences the people. As a
result, Muslims are targeted, harassed and harmed.
Only those who enjoy trust and
confidence of the people and are reputed and true leaders of the Muslim
community must be approached for comments and guidance. There are many
self-proclaimed social, religious and political leaders but most of them
are exploiters. They are causing more harm than good. The media has the
means to judge them and must judge them before giving them promotion and
is the representative of the people and must act accordingly. It must stop
pointing and painting Muslims as terrorists and criminals. It is not the
characteristics of civilized people and society. Objective reporting helps
both the media and the people.
The news of
arrests spread like wild fire, thanks to the media. Whether they are
punished or not but the wave of hatred against Muslims has started. This
is more dangerous. The news coming in is really disturbing.
incident, a police officer stopped a high school boy driving a car. After
checking the document, the police officer started abusing the boy.
Insulting remarks including like “You Fucking Guys” from the mouth of
responsible official means a lot. The boy, who is the son of my journalist
friend, Hameeduddin Ahmed, was terribly scared and preferred silence,
fearing harm by the police officer. This is the height of racism. No
irresponsible person should be given responsible position.
In another incident, a person working as security officer heard
some people talking and saying: “The employer must fire all such people
from jobs. They must not be sent to jail or else we will have to work hard
to feed them.”
So, the harmful effects are
already being felt. Muslims need moral and practical support and
protection and not insult and punishment. All must understand, come
forward and help the Muslim community in this crucial period.
Most of the Muslim community
members live in Ontario and allege that the Conservative Government is not
happy with them and, as a result, could give them hard time. Already they
are very much disturbed by the strict immigration measures and expect
worst actions. The government must take the Muslims into confidence and
give them assurances that they would not be discriminated, harassed and
Muslim identity is being connected with terrorism and criminal activities.
They are two entirely different identities. The mix up is the result of
anti-Muslim propaganda and campaigns. Muslims are strongly condemning
terrorism. They are openly and practically supporting the fight against
terrorism. What else is needed to show solidarity and loyalty?
