: You may never know but
there are many eyes set on you to harm and destroy you. The success and
happiness is never tolerated. Yes this happens and is very common.
Unfortunately, our community, whether Muslim or South Asian, is full of
people of such crooked, cruel and criminal nature. This is what is harming
Muslims most and keeping them distracted, scattered and shattered.
The most dangerous enemies
are in our own ranks and file and we keep blaming only others. Because the
nature of such people is to pull down and harm others at any cost and they
are damn good in their cunning activities therefore they are called PHD
Specialists (Pull Him Down Specialists). The success and happiness of
others keep them burning and boiling. They restlessly wait for any
opportunity to strike hard, while engaged in tarnishing the image,
creating hardships and obstructions.
is a famous joke in this connection: Guards were guarding people of
various communities thrown in fires at different places in the hell. There
were no guards at the place where the condemned ones of the Muslim and
South Asian communities were thrown. When the guards were asked as to why
they have been left unattended, they replied: “Nobody can come out as
anybody who tries will be pulled down by the others. This is why no guards
TASK: Yes, this is the situation
we are facing today and it is a fact. Look towards any direction and you
will observe this everywhere. The statistic is horrifying. I keep meeting
people of all levels and types and my personal experience shows that over
ninety percent of the community members, particularly leaders and well
settled people, are of such nature. They may not look like but are like
that. This is most unfortunate.
serve the community in such circumstances and situation is one of the
toughest and most difficult tasks. There is no option. Whether you like it
or not, you will have to taste the painful prick and pinch. Several times
I decided to stay away from the community but could not do so---because of
my commitment and being a member. All you can do is to remain fully alert,
determined to face the challenges and move ahead.
SERMON: When I started
writing this article, coincidentally the Friday Sermon in the Darus Salam
Mosque in
Thorncliffe Park Drive
area on October 28 too covered this subject. The Imam, Mufti Amin, a guest
speaker, bitterly criticized the Muslims for not following properly the
teachings of the Holy Quran and character of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and
asked them to become practically good and not get trapped by the negative
and destructive messages of any media, society and system.
said a Muslim can only become a Momin (Practical Muslim) if he follows the
characteristics---Nobody should be harmed and everybody should be helped
and benefit from him at all costs. But disappointingly most of the Muslims
are not doing this. They are not following the Quran and the Prophet (PBUH).
The Quran needs to be followed and not only respected and put on top of
the shelf, he added.
The Imam said that we must
adopt good values and teachings of all religions. Every religion has some
good values which must be judged and adopted. These are mostly in
accordance with messages of the Holy Quran. Every good must be welcomed
and become part of the lifestyle, society and system, he stated.
He praised the Christians
for still maintaining the good value of Christianity--- Tolerance---and
said the Muslims must not feel ashamed in learning from them. Every good
thing must be selected and adopted, he added.
The Imam was hundred percent right and tried
to open the eyes of the Muslims. Very few Imams deliver such bold and
eye-opener sermons. The Muslims were reminded of their overall duties and
responsibilities. The double standards adopted by most of the Muslims are
proving very costly for them. The community is at the lowest ebb of the
success ladder and badly suffering. Success of only some does not mean
anything. The whole community must become practically united, active and
play its proper role in the society anywhere. Only this way it can create
a good impression and become really effective and influential.
EXPERIENCE: I arrived in
in 1999 and ever since trying to promote members of the community and
society in the best possible way. The
objective is to bring people of all communities closer through proper
awareness, better understanding and cooperation. My efforts have proved
very successful and definitely with the help, support, cooperation and
love of the people. My approach of constructive criticism is pricking and
extremely painful for many, particularly PHD specialists, but is essential
to help the right people come forward and move ahead.
are made to distract and disgrace me. Even threats of deportation are
hurled to stop me. All these
only make me stronger and determined. I enjoy every bit of my professional
work and sufferings of the PHD Specialists.
Competition in the
community is a good thing and must be encouraged and promoted. Chance to
serve and prove the worth must be given to all members of the community
and society who have gained name, fame and position. Mere criticism will
not work and should not be allowed. Stop must be put to this, wherever
Oh yes, The PHD
Specialists will not stop because of their nature and interests. They are
found in abundant and in almost every field and places. We can foil their
attempts only by remaining alert and equally or more active in the right
direction. Members of other communities are always ready to help us. PHD
Specialists must be exposed and stopped from harming the people. This can
be and must be done.
ALI KHAN: Many community people are unhappy with Wajid Khan,
MP, and Dr Shafiq Qadri, MPP, two leading personalities of the community,
and keep saying: “What have they done or are doing for the community or
people?” “Just tell us about their positive contribution for the
people and we will support and promote them.”
told them to give the two leaders a chance to serve the people and fulfill
their promises and commitments. If they do not contribute positively then
they or their party can be questioned. Just keep an eye on their role and
contributions. If they fail then the party will lose reputation,
credibility and the most important thing---Vote and confidence of the
regards Wajid Khan, Prime Minister Paul Martin highly praised him in front
of the national media during a Press conference held after meeting with
community leaders. This made particularly the Muslim and Pakistani
communities proud. This will motivate and encourage others to come forward
and play their role. It is indeed a very good omen.
the community it is a big tribute and great success.
are very much hopeful that Wajid Khan will not let down Prime Minister
Paul Martin, the party and the people. To win the seat of MP is not such a
big thing. The most important thing is to win the confidence, love and
support of the people. This he must do and prove. His future success must
be based on this, in order to silence his critics and defeat the PHD
Specialists. He must never ignore and neglect the people.
Some highly reputed and influential members of the community felt badly
neglected. They said that surprisingly they were not even invited to the
Prime Minister’s community leaders meeting and other meetings concerning
community issues, particularly for helping the earthquake victims in
. In the past they used to be entertained properly and respectfully.
said there were many new faces with no notable contribution track record.
The result was that they could not represent the community properly. They
were not aware of the issues, problems and solutions. They asked Prime
Minister Paul Martin to take serious notice of such developments which
could harm the party and bring bad name to his very hard work and good
image. New faces must be encouraged but not by ignoring and neglecting the
oldies. Not at the cost of the experienced ones.
name of Hameeduddin Ahmed, editor and publisher of monthly Awaz, a
journalist belonging to the South Asian community, was included in the
list of those who wanted to ask Paul Martin questions in the Press
conference but surprisingly he was not allowed and his name was not called
although he invited attention of the lady who was holding the list and had
noted down the name. I too was present there and equally surprised. Some
others too faced this situation as well and were disappointed. They felt
that they should have been given preference keeping in view the nature of
the Press conference but it was not done. This left a big question mark on
the selection criteria.
RIGHT PEOPLE: There is no dearth of talent or
men of commitment in the expatriates’ community. The only need is to
recognize and promote them. We need people with the will and spirit to
deliver results. Only they can help achieve success and protect us from
the dangerous and cunning PHD Specialists. We must remember that the Devil
fears only those who fear The Almighty and nothing else. We need to find
and promote such persons who can protect us from the PHD Specialists. To
defeat the enemy, we must focus on our aims and objectives and keeping
serving the people sincerely.
