TORONTO: During elections dramatic changes do
occur and have occurred. It’s a game of strategy and understanding. The
Conservative Party of Canada and MQM Canada joined hands recently to
ensure an effective and stronger voice for the people. If both work
together sincerely and closely, they are capable of turning the tides.
The leaders of both the parties
met in Toronto and finalized the action plan. The MQM or Muttaheda Qaumi
Movement is one of the strongest political parties of Pakistan.
It is based in Karachi but serves the people of the whole country.
Because it has roots in the people, fights for the common people, their
fundamental rights and survival, it was targeted and no stone was left
unturned to crush it completely.
of support of the people, it managed not only to survive but became very
powerful. It is fighting for a just cause and that’s why the number of
its supporters is increasing very fast. It is the cause, which is its
strength, and the people understand this. They voted and gave every kind
of sacrifices for the supreme cause. Thousands of Muttaheda workers and
supporters were mercilessly killed and tortured. They have written their
history with blood. It is a matter of pride for the Conservatives Party of
Canada to have found such a partner. Only test and time will prove it, if
given a proper chance and support.
MQM Canada, under the dynamic leadership of Dr Syed Ali, prepared a
27-page document, highlighting priorities and genuine problems of the
community and the people, and presented it to all the leading parties.
They waited for a response. The Conservatives took the initiative, stepped
forward and extended the friendship hand with the assurance that it will
study and work sincerely to implement the 27-page document, all promises
and commitments. With spirit and determination both can do a lot for the
people and the country.
MQM Canada represents Pakistanis but in Canada it is assuming leadership
of the Asian community. It plans to work on wider scope with the people
and for the people, irrespective of communities. It has proved in Pakistan
and is capable of proving here as well.
It is the only party in Pakistan which has strong roots worldwide,
particularly in the Indo-Pakistan Sub-Continent. Most of its workers and
supporters are Urdu speaking people with families divided during the 1947
partition of India and Pakistan. Many have died and many are still longing
to see their near and dear ones, separated by the partition.
On June 19, 2004, the MQM Canada and the
Conservative Party of Canada organized a BBQ in Thorncliffe Park, near the
Thorncliffe Park Public School in Don Valley West. It was a very
successful plan as thousands poured out of the buildings and actively
participated in sharing the lovely party and messages of both the parties.
The queue was so long that I was scared to go near it and despite waiting
for hours my turn did not come. The weather too was plan.
Turnbull, the Conservative candidate for Don Valley West riding, and his
wife were present there and mixed freely with the people. They could not
have imagined that MQM could have gathered so many people without much
effort. The volunteers were super active and served the people with smile.
They came out with a purpose---to serve the cause and the people.
after the elections, irrespective of the results, both the parties must
work jointly for the people at all levels---municipal, provincial or
federal. Priorities must be understood and problems solved. The MQM has
struggled and succeeded in the worst conditions, imagine what it can do in
the best conditions. It is duty of every responsible citizen to support
any positive move of any party or person. We need a true leadership and a
strong party so that the people and the country could benefit in the real
sword of accountability hangs over all and this they must never forget. If
they make mistakes they must pay the heavy price. They must make sure not
to repeat the past mistakes, must respect the wishes of the people by
turning the promises into realities. The lessons must be lessons properly
for the sake of practicality.
South Asian community needs to understand the system properly. They must
work with one mind based on complete faith, trust and confidence. They
must learn to tolerate and support each other, irrespective of their
differences. The South Asian candidates face a great setback when it comes
to spending money and fund raising. Most of them are not in a position to
spend huge amounts and there is a lack of fund raising sense in the
community. People for their
own sake must come out and help each other if they want a true leadership
to emerge from their own community.
true leadership of their own, they won’t be able to get proper
representation or place in any field---private or government. They won’t
have a proper voice and continued to be neglected and discriminated.
like the MQM Canada or any other could help them tremendously by planning
and working in an organized way and effectively. They must have the voice,
strength and the capability to become a powerful organ.. You have
the right to form or choose your true leadership, party and platform. For
God’s sake do it in your own interest.
You are in Canada, one of the
best countries of the world. You have all the rights, freedom and equal
opportunities to progress and progress.
Here you are ensured better quality of life and career. Here you
can build yourself and generations and help your people back home as well.
From here you can build your country of origin as well. This all can
happen provided you understand the people and system and join the
