the Struggle
Freedom, Help Save People
Poverty and corruption are playing havoc with the people in the
poor and developing countries. The societies have either been militarized
or vulgarized. In many places, there is no one to pick up the bodies and
human flesh is the food of stray dogs, vultures and wild animals.
is the root cause of poverty and immorality. Such a situation and system
is created, like emotional blackmailing and ruthless exploitation, that
people are compelled to sell their body and soul for survival. The rich,
cunning and opportunist elements in order to achieve and promote their
vested interests exploit the people.
elements, mostly wealthy, highly influential and very powerful, in order
to promote corruption and poverty create the poor and helpless class. For
their vested interests, which they worship, they stoop to any lows. One
the one hand, they crush and exploit humanity to achieve their nefarious
designs, while on the other they pose as champions of human rights,
servants of humanity, civilized and cultured. These beasts are roaming
freely and are million times dangerous than those confined to the jungle.
Freedom fighters and true leaders mobilize and motivate the masses
for struggle for independence. Once independence is achieved, people think
they are no more needed. They are treated and respected as heroes and put
in a corner for this purpose only. From here starts the drama. Those who
take charge from them fix their own priorities, mostly based on their
vested interests. The heroes who try to interfere or correct them are
eliminated or taught a good lesson and silenced.
we lose the leadership, we land in hell and face the cruel beasts, dirty
crooks and hardened criminals. They don’t allow any government and
system to function. They don’t want the people to live in peace and the
country to prosper. Their eyes are set only on wealth and resources of the
country and how to loot and grab them. This is the situation in most of
the poor and developing countries.
people who have the qualities and the guts to become freedom fighters and
true leaders can save us from such punishment. These heroes must be
promoted because they live and die for the people and cause. They know the
meaning of sacrifice and their struggle never ends even after their last
breath. They prepare thousands to follow their foot steps and who continue
moving ahead.
must always be respected, protected and kept in the front and never put in
the corner as a show piece. Yes,
only then we can proudly call ourselves free and independent. The struggle
for freedom never ends. In fact it begins after independence. First we
struggle to gain freedom then we struggle to protect and implement it in
the real sense. It’s not easy but not impossible as well. Only will and
determination is required.
country of origin is
. No doubt, it is one of the best and most beautiful countries in the
world. Both the land and people are simply wonderful. Unfortunately, they
were never allowed to become stable and prosper---because of the Loyalists
of the Colonial Masters and international conspiracies.
poverty and corruption were promoted by the anti-people and anti-state
elements. They are vampires and plunderers--- sucking blood of the people
and looting wealth of the country. They are like termites eating the roots
of the nation and dreaded virus affecting the blood and the body of the
people. They are found in all sectors of the government and segment of the
and characterless elements manage to reach the parliament and assemblies
by hook or crook. They assume the leadership and become respectable. The
people are also are to be blamed and deserve the punishment because they
support and vote the wrong and dirty people. Instead of struggling for a
positive change and looking for the true leadership, they compromise and
surrender themselves to such creatures.
such leader who allegedly does not even know how many legitimate or
illegitimate children he has in many countries is dreaming of becoming the
prime minister. If such traitors, who claim to be champions of the rights
of the people and had brought bad name to the country through their bad
decisions and deeds, are promoted and chosen, only God knows what will be
the fate of the people.
What can Gen Musharraf or any government do in such a terrible situation?
Just like the people, the government too is helpless. One retired Indian
Army Colonel remarked: “The army saved and protected
otherwise there would be no
. Because of the corrupt political elements and stooge generals and their
was broken. The army was made scapegoat and over 90,000 had to surrender.
The army dare not capture power and had to bring a politician, Zulfikar
Ali Bhutto, from
to make hi! m the first Civilian Martial Law Administrator. Unfortunately,
the corrupt elements like always are active again and pushing
towards disaster.”
The fact is that the right people were always suppressed and
eliminated. They were never allowed to come forward. Those who managed to
fight and come to the front always faced tough challenges and hard times.
Wherever they are, they are trying their best to serve the people
honestly, irrespective of the results and consequences.
What worse could you expect when things like I am about to narrate
start happening. May The Almighty save our people, society and the
country. Silence is not the
solution. We have to fight back to save this and the coming generations.
We have to root out the evil from our society and establish a sound and
workable system. For all this, we have to find the freedom fighters and
true leaders and promote them sincerely and courageously.
will give some examples of the horrible situation we are facing and which
needs immediate attention. Mostly children and women are involved. I am
perhaps the only journalist who presented an open and detailed review of
Dr Zakir Molvi’s book `Human Sex Relations’ and which was published in
a leading journal, prominently and with my byline.
It is considered a taboo to write openly on such a sensitive
subject in
or any other Muslim country. Fortunately, my presentation was appreciated
and helped create awareness about the subject. The incidents I am
reporting took place in the 1980s and 1990s. I left
in April, 1999, for
badly the cable system’s misuse corrupted the minds of even small
children could be judged from the examples given below. Violence too
contributed greatly. Children
and women were the worst affected.
EXAMPLE: I was standing in front of a video
shop in Nazimabad area in
. Four boys hardly over the ages of six to eight were playing. They
belonged to the poor class but had cable, with over 200 channels, in their
hut in the slum area called Jalalabad. Just look at their ages and imagine
the shocking comments they were passing.
of them said: “I am planning to grab my neighbour’s daughter. She is
eight and damn sexy and I
want to have sex with her. Yesterday I saw her in my dream and I had sex
with her. I enjoyed every bit and made her scream with all the styles and
techniques which I mastered by watching XXX movies on the cable. Now,
after seeing her naked and having sex with her in the dream, I won’t
leave her. You bet I will make her crazy and both of us will enjoy.”
The other said: “I was watching XXX movie late in the night. My
cousin, aged seven, who was visiting us, woke up to quench her thirst.
She saw me watching the movie and I switched the channel. On my
insistence, she sat near me. I told her that the movie is interesting, she
too should watch and not tell anyone. When I switched to XXX she became
shy and wanted to run away but I somehow stopped her. Later, she too
started enjoying and both us became naked and tried to copy the styles of
the movie. I enjoyed very much playing sexy games with her. Now this has
become a regular feature. She is luring other cousins and friends as well.
I enjoy different varieties. Now we watch the movies and have fun even in
the day when the parents are at work. Someday I int! end to become a sex
third one said: “I never used to watch TV so much. One day I woke up in
the night and found my sister, aged ten, watching the XXX program on the
cable. I too enjoyed the sexy scenes. My sister could not control herself
and she grabbed me. Both of us became naked and had sex. She now gives me
toffees and money and both of us play the game and watch movies. I love
having sex with her. She is a house commodity.”
fourth one said: “I too had a dream and sex with a girl. My cousin, who
is older than me, had sex with me but I never touched a girl. Now I am
planning to find one. I love having sex with boys. It gives me a lot of
pleasure. The credit goes to my cousin. He watches the XXX cable movies
and uses the techniques on me.”
the four boys were taking loudly and without any shame or fear. Someone
tried to stop them but they threatened him with dire consequences. They
said: “If you try to stop us we will target your children, beat them up
and rape them. You better mind your own business. We will call our gang
and beat you up if you disturb us.”
person got scared, said sorry and fled from the scene. He knew that the
boys and their gangs, most of whom were police touts and informers and
members of the drug, gun, gambling and prostitution mafia, attacked many
people and hurt them seriously. They even attacked the houses of such
people and ransacked them, breaking the windows, doors and the furniture.
Obviously, bones of the people too were not spared.
These boys had made the lives of women and children, particularly
girls, of respectable families miserable by passing vulgar remarks and
harassing them. It became difficult for them to leave and enter their
houses. Many respectable families sold their houses and moved quietly from
the area. They were aware of the consequences.
observation and study of this trend revealed that not only such kids but
most boys and girls of respectable families of all classes were watching
and getting addicted to the XXX taste. Curiosity and emotional pulls
attracted them. They were becoming sex addicts. Practical sex and
homosexuality was becoming common in children of all ages of all families.
The cable was creating more than enough awareness. It was making even
infants mature and ready for sex of all categories. Incest was common in
the posh areas but now it was becoming common even in the middle class and
particularly the poor class. Thanks to the XXX cable culture. What a
progress! What a curse!
EXAMPLE: Usually the cable
operators show latest Hindi films, which are yet to be released even in
the Indian theatres, in the night. They are viewed by 90 per cent of the
families. One day I wanted to watch the film. I was shocked when a XXX
movie was being shown on the Hindi channel. I sent my cousin to the cable
operator to stop screening of the blue film. He and his colleagues were
fully drunk and thrashed my cousin badly. He was bruised and shaken. The
next day when they came to their senses they apologized to me and my
cousin and said: “We have to follow the orders of our bosses. Please
stay away from us because big fishes are involved in this business. They
are all very respectable, influential and powerful people. Nobody can do
anything against ! them. Please take our advice seriously and consider it
as a warning from bosses.”
XXX film on the Hindi channel became a regular feature. The operator said:
“The public demand is great. It was shown late in the night or in the
day so that even the kids could watch them when their parents are asleep
or at work. Even the girls call and ask us to show the XXX movies. They
suggest us the names of their favourite movies.”
I was sitting in the office of the Director of Anti-Corruption Department
with a friend. He was boastfully speaking of his achievements, raids,
honesty and dedication. I was getting impressed.
A woman, along with her two beautiful daughters, aged eight and
ten, came in and sat with us. It
seemed both the girls were forced to come. There was fear in their eyes
and they had cried very much. I was wondering what the problem was.
the women, assuming we were close friends of the director, said: “The
girls are minor and afraid but don’t worry they will not disappoint you.
I will bring them to the arranged bungalow where you can do whatever you
like. They are all yours now. The
director became very impatient on seeing the beautiful girls and remarked:
“I now they will prove juicy and sexy.”
mother said: “I have been forced to use my girls for sex because of
poverty. We are starving. There
is no source of income. We are now using our bodies for survival. It was
very difficult to bring them on line. I now show them the XXX movies on
the cable to make them mature and emotionally charged. It has worked. The
girls are now mentally prepared for any sex. They have learnt a lot from
the XXX cable movies.”
the Director of Anti-Corruption Department promoting moral corruption and
destroying the lives of young girls. No need to be shocked because police
and the law enforcement officials are behind all forms of corruption. They
protect and promote it. Without their support and protection, corruption
cannot exist or flourish.
some months, I saw the girls with their mother in a market in a posh area
of the city. They were buying expensive clothes. I could hardly recognize
them. They had changed so much and looked like grown up women. A different
glow had replaced the fear in their eyes.
Now they had everything except honour. Perhaps, they were left with
no choices. What a compromise and helplessness. For survival, they were
compelled to crush their conscience, sell their bodies and soul. This is
how they became respectable.
My youngest brother, his Chinese wife and their daughter came from abroad
on a visit. A lot of people were coming to meet them. Something strange
was happening and we were shocked. All the shoes and slippers they had
left outside the balcony door were missing.
This happened twice and the guests had to leave without shoes. One
day we kept the shoes and waited to nab the thief. What we saw shocked us.
A five-year old boy climbed the stairs silently and was collecting the
shoes in a bag. We caught him red handed but could not understand what to
do with him.
tried to ask his name, about his family and home but he kept lying. He was
simply fearless and smiling all the time. He was looking cute. Some people
of the area recognized him and we took him to his house. His mother opened
the door and said: “Why did you bring this bastard here. Take him to the
police station. He has been to the police station and stayed in the in
lock up several times. He is a hardened criminal now. He has been thrashed
badly many times but does not desist from his activities. His father and
uncle both are factory workers and drug addicts. They have made him a
thief to meet their expenses. He
is now a very clever and cunning thief. I am fed up. In the night he
watches the XXX cable movies and knows more than us about sex. Take
him away wherev! er you like.” We
could not do anything except release the boy.
I was sitting in a library. In front of me a six-year old boy was sitting.
The man sitting beside him seemed quite restless. Suddenly he stood up,
caught hold of the boy and took him to the librarian. He told the
librarian: “This boy was playing with my sensitive parts and asking me
to take him somewhere. I am not that type of a person. Hand him over to
the police. He needs to be punished.”
boy started crying and the people who gathered there helped in letting him
go. When asked why he did this, he said: “I approached my neighbour for
monetary help. He called me in and after giving some money had sex with
me. I could not refuse because my family needed the money badly. Now I
have adopted this to help my family. They don’t know my activities and
think that I work hard and earn this money. We are very poor and face
starvation. I am trying to help and support them.”
Most of the Christian women and girls in our country who belong to
province are illiterate and work as sweepers and maid servants. Their
earning is very less as sweeper but much better as a maid servant. Slowly,
most of the girls started leaving the business and becoming professionals.
They were earning more and living a luxurious life. Their life styles
changed. Now it was becoming difficult to find sweepers. There was a
positive aspect was that some of them had started going to schools and
looking for good and respectable jobs. They were never discouraged by
anyone and with their hard work and support of the people and the
government managed to reach good positions like teachers, nurses,
technicians. Christians are even allowed to reach the parliament and
assemblies. Whenever they needed, the support was there.
enjoy a lot of protection and privileges and are allowed to mix, live and
work together with all people. This is a mere propaganda that they are
victimized. Many international organizations tried to defame and harm
by presenting the wrong picture and distorting facts. Some incidents did
happen but then they happen everywhere. Why target
negative aspect was that most of them had illicit relations with boys of
the area. They started making good money. In the late night, the area
turned into a brothel. It was visited by influential people even from far
off places. Most of the area
boys and men were found enjoying there. The police and influential
personalities were there to protect them. They were well off now. There
was no issue of discrimination or harassment. Everyone was concerned with
his motive and business and nothing else. In almost every house you can
find the cable. The XXX movies were there to train and entertain them.
boys were spoilt so much that even during day time they used to daringly
approach these girls and romance with them. I am using the word daringly
because in
you cannot romance openly like in the West.
It is not in our culture or character.
through modernization is a good thing but not at the cost of honour and
dignity. Cable system and net
cafes are indeed very effective sources and good medium for creating
proper awareness and education, provided used positively. Their negative
use could destroy the moral fabric of the society and system and structure
of the country. You can only expect one result and that is complete
FILMS: The ban
on the Indian films to some extent is justified. But the ban must be
applied only on those films which are not fit for screening due to various
factors. Otherwise, the screening must be allowed. It will help greatly in
promoting good relations between the two countries and bringing the people
Indian film industry used to produce very good and memorable films. Those
films were worth watching and their golden songs worth listening then, are
even now and would be in future too. Now the trend has changed. The film
industry is in control of the notorious mafia. Most of the films promote
hatred, discrimination, extreme violence, soft pornography and Hindu
mafia through soft pornography is brainwashing the viewers and making them
porn addicts. By giving them this taste, the mafia is luring them towards
the XXX cable movies. Once they get the taste and become porn and sex
addicts they automatically switch over to the XXX cable movies and
practical sex. They need to watch the movies for training and
entertainment only because sex is very cheap in
due to poverty. Even for a piece of bread you can have sex as much as you
the mafia is literally turning the Indian film industry into a sex
promotion industry. Sensationally sexy nude poses of Indian actresses
including Aishwarya Rai are available on the internet. Yes, most of the
people would not like deleting them and watch them in the night for a good
dream and in the day for a good breakfast. The sex business would
definitely not only prosper but boom. The mafia is doing its job
perfectly. They know the psychology and mentality of the people. Their
promotional policy is clicking. The mafia is also promoting drug and gun
culture through the films. The talented and good producers are helpless
and hostage of the mafia. Raj Kapoor, where are you? The Indian film
industry needs and misses you badly.
government must act fast and control all the unwanted channels and check
misuse of net cafes, most of which too have become sex centres. The users
are mostly sex customers and viewers of XXX movies. Somebody mailed me
several pictures of the sex activities openly taking place there.
I was not surprised but shocked and shaken.
CULTURE: How much violence and gun
culture has affected the society could be judged from this incident, which
also compelled me, along with many other factors including education and
future of my children, to migrate to
was coming from my newspaper office in the afternoon. Near my house I saw
two boys, hardly aged over eight, quarrelling. One of them threw a stone
which hit me hard in the leg. I stared at them and before I could say
anything one of them came to me and said: “Stop staring at me and get
lost.” He pulled out a TT pistol and said: “Let’s go to the torture
cell where we will teach you a good lesson and throw your body in a
one person from his locality came there and recognized me. He slapped the
boy and apologized to me. He said: “You know what these boys are doing
these days and how they are making money. They take people to the torture
cells and demand heavy ransom and even kill them. We can’t do anything
to stop them. They have become terrorists and kidnappers. They do not
belong to any party but pose as members of political parties.
They actually work for the drug and gun mafia.”
are thousands of such incidents happening in
and rest of the country. In
, nowadays people are daringly looted in the daylight and even in crowded
places. Mostly mobiles, cash, wristwatches, gold ornaments are snatched at
gun point. People fear them because they know who are behind and
protecting them. They don’t want to put their lives in danger.
The so-called Mullahs, political and social leaders have miserably failed
to practically check the menace of poverty and corruption. During
sectarian and ethnic clashes and for issues of their interests, they are
seen on the streets loaded with sophisticated weapons. They indulge in
burning, looting and killing. They voice anger against screening of Indian
films but proudly have the cable system in their own homes and they along
with their families watch all sorts of programs and enjoy them. They are
least bothered about the condition and sufferings of the people but more
concerned about their own fate, survival, progress and prosperity.
the name of Allah and Islam, people are being exploited. In the name of
Jihad, they are being butchered. While
the people are starving and dying, the fake, quack and corrupt Mullahs and
elements, who are worse than vultures, crooks and beasts, are prospering.
You will hardly find any such corrupt Mullahs and elements thin and poor.
They are in fact devil in disguise and need to be checked, chained and
the people are following them blindly and being drifted away from Allah
and Islam. Because of these criminals, the real Mullahs, Islam and people
are suffering. The real Mullahs are unable to serve the people because
they are deliberately neglected and not allowed to come forward. They must
be protected and promoted. Unfortunately, even the West considers them
their enemy while the corrupt Mullahs keep touring the world and have sent
their children and families abroad for better quality of life and
education. While the fake and
corrupt ones are enjoying the best, making money and grabbing positions,
the real ones are facing all the tests, trials and sufferings.
Sikh, who is a retired senior Indian Army Officer, said: “I have read
Quran carefully and found Islam a very peaceful and loving religion. There
is nothing wrong at all. Only the quack Mullahs are taking the Muslims in
the wrong direction. They are responsible for defaming Islam and Muslims
and for the present condition. They are not following and teaching the
Quran properly. The worst will come because of them.”
of the Mullahs associated with the mosques and madrassas think they own
the property. They dictate their orders and expect others to follow them
blindly, whether they are right or wrong. They act like prophets and
dictators. They collect the generous donations but forget that the
property belongs to the public. A change is needed. The corrupt Mullahs
must be thrown out of all such places and replaced by the genuine ones.
, which is a heaven on the earth, is just one example. My intention is not
to criticize or defame
or the people but to invite attention of all towards the extremely
disturbing situation and condition created by the corrupt elements. Almost
all the poor and developing countries are facing most of the serious
problems mentioned above in one form or the other.
: In
, the heart of
, too crime rate is increasing. The government is trying its best to check
it and find out the causes. Here too children are getting out of hand. Two
incidents would justify this. A famous social worker of the city said:
“I was standing near the bus stop when a small boy came in front of me,
lowered his pants and showed me his penis. Although I was shocked and mad
at him, still I could do nothing. He was passing vulgar remarks. I told
him to come and get me and on hearing this he fled from the scene.”
another incident, some boys were playing in the parking area of a library.
A lady wanted to park her car there and requested the boys to move. They
did not listen. When she repeated her request, they surrounded her car,
started abusing her and said they would smash the car. When she said she
will call the police, they ran away. After reporting of many incidents and
request of the residents, police have increased patrolling in the
Thorncliffe area of
. Now the incidents have considerably decreased.”
The society contains both good and bad elements. It is the system
which keeps checking them. The system in
is very good and effective. The society is very rich. Still the sick minds
try to discriminate and create hatred and misunderstanding. One Pakistani
was shocked and furious on a remark by a leading Canadian personality that
Pakistanis are dirty people. In anger, he said: “Why don’t such sick
minds look at their stinking asses before calling us dirty.” I told the
person: “Don’t ever say this again. I don’t want to hear this again.
This is the wrong way. Remain calm and be normal. We must win their hearts
and confidence through our good deeds and character. If not today then
some day we will succeed.”
The Pakistanis are working very hard and contributing tremendously
in making both
strong and prosperous. There are hundreds of examples. Even the MPs and
MPPs have acknowledged this. Many have been elected with their support.
Pakistanis have become MP (Wajid Ali Khan) and MPP (Dr Shafiq Qadri).
highly appreciate that the over 80 years old Mayor of Mississauga is
actively serving the people and enjoys great respect and support. The
82-year-old, Muhammad Abbas Ali, commonly known as Maj Abbas, of Muslim
Welfare Centre too is in the forefront and has made both the Pakistanis
and Canadians proud. He is a Volunteer Charity Walker. Since 1986 he has
walked over 10,000 KM in various countries to help the poor and needy
Abbas is the first Muslim to skydive 10,500 feet, 6000 feet free fall and
4500 feet with parachute, at the age of 77 in September, 1998, to raise
funds for the welfare project `Support A Child Save The Nation’.
This project will cover the Indo-Pakistan Sub-Continent---
. It has initially been introduced in
. The aim of this project is to eradicate Child Labour.
walk for Hajj from
Abu Dhabi
to Makkah and Madina (2500) across the desert in ninety (90) days hit the
world media headlines. His efforts to serve the needy, irrespective of
religion, nationality, caste or creed, are made under the banner: `Service
To Humanity Is Service To Allah (The Almighty)’.
the help of his wife and volunteer Qaiser Naqvi, he established the Muslim
Welfare Centre in 1993 and Muslim Welfare Home for Needy Women and
Children in 1995. Both are first of their kind in
North America
and open to all faith. The Muslim Welfare Centres are located in
. The MWC has established three Halal Food Banks and Halal Meal On Wheels
to serve the less fortunate ones. Now he has established the Muslim
Seniors Club, located at
28 Rural Ave.
are many such Pakistani and South Asian organizations and people working
hard and round the clock to serve the people, irrespective of their caste,
creed and religion. The immigrants sacrifice everything to settle in
for a better quality of life. Their aim is to live and work together
peacefully and happily. Some elements of all communities and of any
position or status must not be allowed and encouraged to harm the people
of any community and pollute the richness of the society.
my friend, Jim Karygiannis, MP of Agincourt-Scarborough, says: “While
remaining in
we must not forget the people back home. What we have gained must share
with them in order to make them strong, happy and prosperous as well. This
is our responsibility as a good and responsible citizen.”
people back home need our attention and help. We must come forward and
help in all possible ways. The world is ready to help, provided we step
forward first. We are fortunate that the Pakistan Consulate in
, under the leadership of Ghalib Iqbal, Consul General, followed by his
team, is actively busy in helping the people. We must take full advantage
of this opportunity and approach. The campaign against Poverty and
Corruption must not be delayed any further. We must save the women and
children from the clutches of the corrupt elements at all cost and by all
means. We must prepare ourselves for the struggle and sacrifices with
constructive and positive approach.
