of the Monthly Meeting held on December 13, 2010 at Queen’s Park
Thomas S. Saras
Asha Rajak
Muse Kulow
Mohammad Bayher Samimi
Jonathan Annobil
Mohammad Tajdolati
Neel Nanda
Suleyman Guven
Ahmed Shah Hotaki
Parry Long
Viara Dimitrova
Ned Blair
AdnJonns Raudkivi
Irene Keroglidis
Susana Donan
Jose Donan
Iosif Spataru
Mario Spataru
William Doyle-Marshall
Perril Muthuraman
John S. Saraidaris
Bob Ristic
Pobeda Piskoceva
Hermie Garcia
Srimal Abeyerwardene
Logan Logendraliman
Ranjir Wicks
Pakistan A broad
Muhammed Enad
Aaron Berhane
Jonathan Annobil
J. Ninisto
Saad Alsafar.
Welcome Remarks by the Chair
2. -A call
to order by the Chair
3. - Minutes
4. - Report
by the President
December 17, 2010 “Get
Together” Event
Auditing of the circulation
7. - New
Business (Motions)
7b.- New
- Adjournment
Welcome Remarks by the Chair:
Thomas S. Saras chaired the meeting and declared the meeting open. Muse
Kulow moved a motion to approve the agenda. Neel Nanda seconded it. The
motion was carried.
Minutes of the previous meeting:
Nanda moved a motion to approve the minutes of the previous monthly
meeting held on November 8, 2010. Suleyman Güven seconded it.
of the Day
by the President
Ms. Asha Rajak, Vice President responsible for the Membership and
executive secretary to the president, is
appointed as a Commissionaire of Oath. Asha will be fully trained in the
spring of 2011 by Heritage Canada, to learn about the official process and
procedures needed to take-over the job and fulfill responsibilities.
Having Asha in the position of certifying our documents, we will not have
to go and pay $3,000.00 to commercial companies as they charge to perform
this service to our members. They are very expensive for organizations
like the members of the NEPMCC who are struggling to survive in this
economy. And, this is not fair for our members. Now we will be able to
certify our documents internally through NEPMCC and don’t worry about
other extra expenses that you have to spend unnecessarily for auditing
from other commercial organizations anymore. This process will also help
establish the ability of every member to have access to the funds, which
this year was 15 million dollars and next year we are expecting that
it’s going to be more than that. However, this year every application is
going to be processed by the Ministry and accepted without an audit report
and each applicant is going to receive some amount from the funds
available, whatever they are eligible for. There are over 1200
applications that the ministry has received this year including community
newspapers and magazines from across Canada. Everyone who applied is going
to receive a fair assessment and I hope that some kind of funds as most of you are on the list. However,
the ones who are printing more than 50 thousand copies each issue will be
directly contacted by the Ministry for necessary audit report for which
expenses is going to be covered by the Ministry itself.
The Ontario government is to change the official Agent of the
Record responsible for the government advertisement which for years now
was the Media Buying Services, known as MBS. You have to send all your invoices to the new Agency of
Records. Also, by spring of year 2011, you are going to receive
advertisement from the Ontario Government.
We have received an invitation from Premier McGuinty for his
special Media Reception and also his Christmas Party on December 15, 2010.
An email with the invitation has been forwarded to all the members of our
organization. Please make sure that you RSVP and attend this event to show
your interest with your attendance. Mr. McGuinty has organized this event
at the “Reference Library” so that everyone is able to attend the
I also received an invitation from the Prime Minister for a
Christmas celebration at his residence. I often go to Ottawa for any kind
of meeting by my own car and cover those expenses personally. But we have
our own event on Friday and we need to make sure that everything is
available and arranged by Thursday. More than that due to winter snow
condition of the roads it is not safe to drive and rush back to Toronto
the same day. Therefore, because of lack of transportation to return back
to Toronto the same day, I am not going to be able to attend this event so
I sent my regrets.
MOTION: In 2011, during the CNE I
would like to propose an idea about how we can put an eighteen days ethnic
press exhibition so that we can promote our members and their
organization. Srimal Abeyewardene moved a motional approve the proposal.
Hassan Zerehi seconded it. The motion was carried without anyone abstain.
this coming Friday, December 17th, we have our Agenda drafted
We have received confirmation from our VIP guests and we are hoping
that this event is going to be successful.
Plaques have been ordered and printed for the recipients.
Volunteers who helped in last one year and didn’t receive a
certificate of appreciation in July will receive one in this event.
About food, as always Nick will be serving very good food. Shrimps,
3 lambs, chicken, and pork souvlaki will be served. Food will have a label
on the place. So, please pay attention before you serve yourself to eat
since there are few members who have different choice of food.
Poinsettia will be displayed on each table.
2 bottles of very fine Greek wines partially sponsored by the
Consul General of Greece will be placed in each table.
1 gift for each VIP guest will be prepared.
Over 40 packets door prize partially sponsored by Serrano Bakery
and Mr. Greek Meat market as well as one gift bag from “Summer Hill
Group” an environmental Marketing Agency. “Summer Hill also is
sponsoring the event with an amount of $ 1000.00 dollars. Our thanks for
their generosity.
There will be 3 musicians performing for live entertainment. The
group was recommended by William Doyle-Marshall.
William Doyle-Marshall came to the office to discuss about his
interest to cover news in Toronto. He is ready to write news stories and
distribute them with pictures among the members of the organization.
Everyone which prints his articles will pay to the treasury of the
organization an amount that we agree,, and the treasury will have an
agreement with William to pay agreed amount of money. This is going to
help the members who are not able to cover the events across Toronto and
will have an access to news and stories. So, whoever is interested please
be in touch with William and the office.
In Pakistan many journalists have been murdered. Mr. Saras had a
conversation spoke to Pakistani Union of Journalist; they are desperate
and need help. They have pledged for some financial help for the family of
the murdered journalist.
South East African union of journalists sent an email that they
have started their work against the government and they want financial
help. But, Mr. Saras told them that NEPMCC does not help or support any
organization with political affiliation since we are not supporting any
government in particular since we are journalists. However, I have asked
them to send us this request in written form.
Mr. Periakaruppan Muthuraman, Chief Editor, “Dreams &
Money”, monthly newspaper. Serves in the field of finance.
Simon Shirley, Freelance Photo Journalist.
Mohammad Tajdolati moved a motion
to adjourn the meeting, Srimal Abeyewardene seconded it. The motion was
carried. The chair adjourned the meeting at 8 pm. The next meeting would
take place on January 10, 2011
The Minutes are prepared by
Asha Rajak, Executive Secretary of the organization.
PRESIDENT OF THE NEPMCC, to the members of the organization.
“Dear friends and colleagues,
Sisters and Brothers in the Ethnic Press and Media, as the year is coming
to its end please allow me to express to all of you my thanks for your
trust and generosity. For me and my colleagues in the administration, it
was an honour the serve you
all as representatives of the sector.
Taking this opportunity of the
Season I extend warm “greetings of the season” to all our members and
their family as well as to every member of the sector. Please allow me to
express my appreciation and thanks to all of you for your trust and
support you placed on me all these years. Few years ago, we were a number
of publications unwilling even to speak to each other in the various
occasions we met. Thanks to your good will, cooperation and help, today we
are w well organized media force in this Country of ours, serving
to the best of our ability our communities and its members. With
your good will we proved that “multiculturalism” in Canada is working
and thriving, unlikely to Madam Merkel’s Germany.
Dear Sisters and Brothers,
today I am extending an invitation to all members of the sector to join
our organization and working together help us make sure that equality and
justice for all prevails in Canada and the USA.
Thank you again for your trust,
cooperation and support.
In solidarity,
Thomas S. Saras
President and CEO
