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The National Ethnic Press and Media Council of Canada, is announcing the 2020-2021 round of Local Journalism Initiative.

For the members of the Ethnic Press and Media of Canada.

The National Ethnic Press and Media Council of Canada is accepting, effective immediately, new applications for hiring journalists from the Ethnic Press and Media of Canada, under the Local Journalism initiative of the Government of Canada

The National Ethnic Press and Media Council of Canada, in cooperation with  Canadian Heritage and the Government of Canada continue the Local Journalism Initiative (LJI), providing funding to recipients in order to hire an unemployed reporter in order to create  Canadian content by covering  civic, provincial and federal issues of importance to Canadians in their mother tongue.

This is the second round of the initiative and the National Ethnic Press and Media Council of Canada is seeking applications for the project, including freelance and contract positions from Quebec French and the English Media from the rest of Canada. This project should be completed by March 31, 2021.
Print and digital media are eligible to apply for funding to National Ethnic Press and Media Council of Canada.

This program was created and funded by the Government of Canada in order to support the creation of original civic journalism relevant to the diverse communities for citizens living in remote and news desert areas  across Canada.

The Local Journalism Initiative will provide funding for host newsrooms to hire reporters in order to create accurate and reliable civic journalism in underserved communities. The Local Journalism Initiative coverage will help ensure the vitality of our democracy by better informing the citizens of the multicultural communities of Canada, engage the communities and foster civic debates, connecting Canadians with their local, provincial and federal governments as well as other civic institutions.

For more information please visit www.nationalethnicpresscouncil.com , or www.nationalethnicpress.com , or www.NEPMCC.ca

Taking this opportunity, we are also announcing the 2020-2021 internship program. Please apply today.

The National Ethnic Press and Media Council of Canada
Is the voice of the Print and Digital or Electronic news media sector of Canada and represents 890 publications along with 180 radio and TV producers, directors and presenters in every province of the Dominion of Canada?
The National ethnic Press and Media Council of Canada is an advocate in public policy for the members of the ethnic publications in Canada and continues to the advancement and improvement of the sector advocating the integration of every linguistic community into Canadian mainstream society.

For more information, please contact:
Maria Saras-Voutsinas
Executive Managing Director
Local Journalism Initiative
National Ethnic Press and Media Council of Canada
Toronto City Hall / Press Gallery
100 Queen Street West
Toronto On. M5H 2N2
Tel: (416) 921 8926, (416) 546 6122, CEL: (416) 727 3004.