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A call for our next meeting May 25. 2020

To all members of the NEPMCC and to members of the Board of Directors.

Dear friends and colleagues, sisters and brothers at the Ethnic Press of Canada.

Due to developments with the coronavirus and for the protection of all the members we decided to postpone our meetings for better days.

Since then and because of the continuation of the dangers, the administration of the organization decided to call our monthly meeting electronically.

There are many news and many developments that we feel we do have to discuss and at the same time we have to make decision for the benefit of the sector and all our members.

As we told you previously the Local Journalism Initiative is already running and soon the committee will make the final decision on the participation.

For the Internship program also will be running again but due to coronavirus and the closed universities we are looking to found a solution with participating students. In the next few days we will send out via email the applications for this program as well.

 Maria continues her work on behalf of the members and she is  very happy to inform you about the fund to publishers and when you will receive the money and how.

Taking this opportunity I am sending you the address of the pending meeting of ours for Monday May 25th, at 6:00 pm to 9:30 pm Eastern Time at:


This call is for every member all over the dominion of Canada and I will be happy to see you all participating.

If you are planning to participate, please register immediately.

Dr. Tajdolati will chair the meeting.



Thomas S. Saras

President & CEO

National Ethnic Press and Media Council of Canada

Toronto City Hall Press Gallery

100 Queen Street West

Toronto, ON M5H 2N2

Tel: 416-921-8926/416-921-4229

Fax: 419-921-0723

Mobile: 416-996-4229

